About Dear Diaries

Welcome, dear friend, to the warm embrace of Dear Diaries, a haven I've lovingly crafted just for you. Here, amidst the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit, I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery—a journey where your questions find answers and your aspirations take flight.

As the founder of Dear Diaries, I have been blessed to witness the transformational power of these conversations over the years. What started as a personal exploration evolved into a ministry dedicated to empowering women through the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Our story

Let me share a secret with you—a beautiful dream, a divine revelation, where the Holy Spirit unveiled the heart-to-heart conversations He longed to have with us, His cherished daughters. These conversations are the essence of Dear Diaries, touching on life's profound themes—love, health, finances, spirituality, family, and the remarkable journey of inner healing.

The Mission - Your Empowerment

Dear Diaries isn't just a platform—it's a mission, a calling to empower you, my dear sister. Through prayer, reflection, and the unwavering support of our community, my heart's desire is to see you stepping boldly into the purpose God has for your life.

Your Story, Our Journey

Let me share a secret with you—a beautiful dream, a divine revelation, where the Holy Spirit unveiled the heart-to-heart conversations He longed to have with us, His cherished daughters. For many years, I carried this dream within me, a flickering flame amidst the uncertainties of life. I'll be honest with you—I struggled. I picked up the assignment, only to set it aside time and again. Doubts clouded my mind, and I questioned my qualifications for the task at hand. But God, oh how patient He was with me. In His perfect timings, (that’s right, timings because it was more times than I would like to admit) He reignited the fire within me, inspiring me to pick up the mantle of Dear Diaries once more. It was a journey of self-discovery, a path where every stumble and every victory shaped my confidence and resolve. And do you know what? Through it all, I found my voice—raw, authentic, and unapologetically mine.

Wife School

We believe in the power of marriage as a sacred union ordained by God. Our Wife School program is designed to equip women with the tools and wisdom needed to cultivate thriving marriages that honor God and strengthen the bond between husband and wife.

Let me share something close to my heart—a burden, if you will, that God has placed within me. It's a burden for the restoration of families, for the rekindling of love and unity within our homes. And you know what? I believe that my part in this good work is deeply intertwined with Dear Diaries. Here, in the sacred halls of Wife School, I've poured my heart and soul into creating a space where wives, and those aspiring to become wives, can embark on a transformative journey led by the Holy Spirit. It's not just about learning how to be a better wife, though that's certainly part of it. It's about diving deep into the core of God's design for marriage, uncovering hidden truths, and allowing His guiding hand to shape us into the radiant wives He intended us to be. So, if you're longing for a marriage that reflects the beauty of God's love, if you're yearning for a deeper connection with your husband, then welcome, dear sister. You're in the right place.

Let me add a layer of depth to our understanding of family restoration—a depth that resonates with the very essence of my being. You see, the work we embark on today, within the sacred walls of Wife School, extends far beyond the confines of our own lives. It's about sowing seeds of transformation that will bear fruit not just in our generation, but in the generations to come. Imagine with me, if you will, the ripple effect of our efforts—a ripple that stretches across time and space, touching the lives of countless individuals, families, and communities. For as we journey together, guided by the hand of the Almighty, we are laying the foundation for a legacy of love and faithfulness that will endure for a thousand generations. It's a profound calling, a sacred privilege, and I am honored to walk this path alongside you.

Future with Holy Spirit

As I look ahead, I see a future radiant with possibilities—a future where Dear Diaries continues to shine as a beacon of hope and inspiration for women worldwide. The future at Dear Diaries is radiant with possibilities. Imagine a community that radiates light and hope globally, inspiring women to embrace their divine calling. Picture yourself confidently stepping into a life filled with purpose, passion, and power. Together, we'll walk hand in hand, guided by the ever-present love and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

Video Biographies—Inspiration Unveiled

Lastly, let me introduce you to our Video Biographies—a treasure trove of inspiration. Real women, just like you and me, sharing their remarkable encounters with God's transformative love. Each testimony is a testament to His grace and a wellspring of encouragement for your own spiritual journey.

So, my dear friend, as you step into Dear Diaries, know that you're not alone. Here, amidst the pages of our shared narrative, you'll find solace, guidance, and a community eager to walk alongside you. Welcome to Dear Diaries—where your story meets the divine, and every step forward is filled with hope and boundless potential.

The small beginnings or should I say the re-beginnings of Dear Diaries. On this day I invited my girlfriends and families over to talk about our finances, because the Most High cares about all these things. The littles were no choice party crashers! Lol

But this is what it is, God gives and watches to see what you will do with the little. And every woman here (some missing in this picture) was apart of my story. (I’m at the far left)

Her Story Will be Told…




The Broken & Beloved Project

“As a woman, as a wife, you stand on an exclusive platform. Your presence and voice have the power to cause a ripple of goodness throughout your husband’s soul...Yes. You are the melody God has chosen to play on the foreground of your husband’s world.”

- Jennifer J. Roos