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With Dear Diaries.

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  • Embracing Faith Through Questions: Discovering Grace on the Romans Road
    • 4/16/20

    Embracing Faith Through Questions: Discovering Grace on the Romans Road

    In a world where religion often presents more questions than answers, one inquisitive soul embarks on a transformative journey to understand the essence of faith. From challenging traditional teachings to discovering the powerful message of Romans Road, this story is a testament to the life-changing impact of grace, the importance of spiritual questioning, and the deep, unconditional love of God.

  • Even in Death I am Strong | Dear Diaries
    • 2/6/20

    Even in Death I am Strong | Dear Diaries

    Welcome to "Dear Diaries," a space where courage meets vulnerability, and stories transform lives. Today, I'm honored to share a deeply moving conversation with Martine, a resilient woman who found herself navigating the tumultuous waters of widowhood. Martine's story isn't just a narrative of loss and sorrow; it's a testament to the indomitable spirit of a woman who, amidst the shadows of grief, discovered strength, purpose, and a deeper connection with God.

    Martine's journey began with the heart-wrenching loss of her husband to stage 4 kidney cancer, leaving her to tread the path of life as a solo parent to their young daughter. The enormity of her loss reshaped her world entirely, pushing her into roles she never imagined she'd have to fill alone. Yet, in her darkest moments, Martine found solace and guidance in her faith, leaning on God and the support of her community to find her footing again.

    Five Key Takeaways:

    1. The Transformation of Grief: Martine's experience underscores the transformative power of grief. It's a journey that reshapes your identity, challenges your beliefs, and, most importantly, offers a chance for rebirth into a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.

    2. The Importance of Community: No one should walk the path of grief alone. Martine's story highlights the crucial role of community support, be it friends, family, or fellow widows, in navigating the complexities of loss and rebuilding life thereafter.

    3. Embracing a New Identity: Widowhood is not just a title; it's a new chapter that beckons the discovery of a new self. Martine's narrative is a reminder that amidst the pain of loss lies the opportunity to rediscover and reinvent oneself.

    4. The Power of Faith: Martine's unwavering faith played a pivotal role in her journey. It's a beacon of hope that illuminates the path through the valley of shadows, reminding us that even in death, we can find strength and purpose.

    5. The Healing Power of Sharing: Sharing one's story is not just an act of vulnerability; it's a step towards healing. Martine's decision to open up about her journey serves as an inspiration for others navigating similar paths, offering hope and solidarity.


    How do you navigate the initial stages of widowhood?

    Take it one day at a time. Allow yourself to feel every emotion and seek support from your community.

    Can you find happiness again after losing a spouse?

    Yes. While the loss is profound, with time, support, and faith, it's possible to find joy and purpose again.

    How do you support a child grieving the loss of a parent?

    Be open about your feelings, allow them to express theirs, and ensure they know it's okay to grieve differently.

    Is it normal to feel disconnected from God after a loss?

    Yes, it's a common part of the grieving process. Faith can waiver, but it can also be a source of comfort and strength.

    How do you honor the memory of a deceased spouse while moving forward?

    Keep their memory alive through stories, celebrate their life, and allow yourself to find happiness, knowing it's what they would have wanted.

    Martine's experience is a powerful reminder that even in the face of profound loss, we can emerge stronger, more resilient, and with a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

  • Finding Peace after a Miscarriage | Dear Diaries
    • 1/17/20

    Finding Peace after a Miscarriage | Dear Diaries

    "Finding Peace after a Miscarriage" on Dear Diaries, Karla shares her poignant journey through the grief of miscarriage to finding solace in her faith. Her story, filled with raw emotions and spiritual reflections, is a powerful reminder of the strength found in vulnerability and the healing grace of God. Karla's experience offers light to others navigating the path of loss, the importance of faith, support, and the courage to share one’s story.

  • A Mother's Love and Resilience: Navigating Sickle Cell as a Single Parent | Dear Diaries

    A Mother's Love and Resilience: Navigating Sickle Cell as a Single Parent | Dear Diaries

    Discover Vicky's poignant journey as a single mother navigating the complexities of raising a son with sickle cell disease. Her story, shared on "Dear Diaries," highlights the power of resilience, the importance of community, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her child. Dive into this inspiring narrative of hope, struggle, and the relentless spirit of a mother's love.

  • Through It All, I am Still Standing | #trauma #overcome | Dear Diaries

    Through It All, I am Still Standing | #trauma #overcome | Dear Diaries

    In this poignant episode of Dear Diaries, Christine shares her heart-wrenching yet hopeful story of battling past traumas and emerging stronger on the other side. Her testimony sheds light on the power of faith, the importance of forgiveness, and the unyielding spirit of resilience. Join us as Christine's story unfolds, offering hope and inspiration to all who seek light in the darkness.

  • Embracing Forgiveness: A Journey of Healing and Restoration | Dear Diaries
    • 3/19/20

    Embracing Forgiveness: A Journey of Healing and Restoration | Dear Diaries

    I remember the Holy Spirit pricking my heart, urging me to forgive and release the anger I held towards my father. It was in that moment of surrender that I found the beginning of my healing. Our reconciliation was more than a reconnection; it was a testament to the power of forgiveness and the profound impact it has on our hearts and lives. This journey has taught me that through forgiveness, we find the true essence of peace and understanding.

  • Dear Diaries | Kathleen Senat Author Of Purely Single Journey Filled with Purpose
    • 11/16/16

    Dear Diaries | Kathleen Senat Author Of Purely Single Journey Filled with Purpose

    Kathleen Senat's heartfelt journey from the depths of personal challenge to discovering her divine purpose unfolds in "Dear Diaries." Overcoming adversity with unwavering faith, Kathleen's story is a beacon of hope, showcasing the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in guiding us towards living a life filled with purpose and purity. Her journey from single motherhood to becoming an author and mentor is not just inspiring but a testament to God's unending grace and favor.

  • Finding Myself After Love Lost: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing  pt1 | Dear Diaries

    Finding Myself After Love Lost: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing pt1 | Dear Diaries

    At 18, filled with dreams and naivety, I ventured into the world of love and marriage, not foreseeing the twists and turns that awaited. My journey through two marriages and the ensuing search for love led me down a path of self-discovery, challenging me to confront my deepest fears and desires. This is my story of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of self-worth.

  • Finding Myself After Love Lost: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing pt2 | Dear Diaries

    Finding Myself After Love Lost: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing pt2 | Dear Diaries

    Join us as we delve into the remarkable story of Gianna, a woman whose life was transformed by faith and resilience. Her journey from despair to renewal serves as a beacon of hope for all who face their own struggles.