Your story isn't over. Embrace inner healing, step into your God-given identity, and experience the joy of a marriage filled with purpose.


Are You Longing for a Marriage That Reflects God's Design?

Hello Single Beauty!

Do you dream of a love that transcends the ordinary, a marriage overflowing with joy, intimacy, and unshakeable faith? A partnership where your love story reflects God's perfect plan?

You're not alone. Many women like you yearn for a deeper connection with their future spouse, a love that goes beyond romance and into a lifelong journey of growth and purpose.

Perhaps you've witnessed broken marriages or carry past hurts that make you question if such a love is possible. Maybe you're unsure of what a Godly wife truly looks like or how to break free from unhealthy patterns.

But here's the truth: God has a beautiful plan for your marriage, and it starts with healing your heart and discovering the radiant woman He created you to be.

The Radiant Love Workbook is your compass on this journey. It's more than just a guide; it's a safe space to:

Unpack Past Hurts: Find healing and freedom from the wounds that hold you back.

Discover Your True Worth: Embrace your identity as a daughter of God, worthy of love and respect.

Build a Strong Foundation in Christ: Deepen your relationship with Him, the source of all love.

Prepare for a Thriving Marriage: Learn practical tools and biblical wisdom for building a lasting, God-honoring partnership.

It's time to rewrite your love story, dear friend. It's time to become the radiant wife God has always intended you to be.

Start your transformation today!

Download a FREE chapter of the Radiant Love Workbook or Get Your Copy if you’re READY to begin!

Radiant Love Workbook Is for You If :

  • You long for a future marriage that radiates God's love and reflects His perfect design.

  • You are eager to build a strong foundation of faith and emotional healing to prepare for a Christ-centered partnership.

  • You dream of experiencing a deep, fulfilling connection with your future husband, one rooted in mutual respect, understanding, and unwavering love

  • You are ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth, becoming the radiant wife God created you to be.

Radiant Love Workbook NOT for you if:

  • You're comfortable with the status quo and don't want to deepen your connection with God or prepare for a Christ-centered marriage.

  • You're not ready to confront past hurts and embrace the healing power of the Holy Spirit.

  • You believe your future husband will be perfect and solely responsible for the success of your relationship.

  • You're not willing to challenge yourself and grow into the radiant woman God created you to be.

  • You're doubtful of God's ability to guide you toward a fulfilling and joyful marriage.


If you're ready to let go of the past, open your heart to God's love, and actively pursue the marriage of your dreams, then the Radiant Love workbook IS for you! This transformative guide will equip you with the biblical wisdom, practical tools, and heartfelt encouragement you need to build a lasting, God-honoring relationship.

“To be honest, I was feeling so lost and unsure about what a Godly marriage even looked like. I knew I wanted one, but my past experiences had left me with so much baggage and uncertainty. Then I found the Radiant Love Workbook”

It was like a warm embrace, guiding me through the process of healing and rediscovering my worth as a woman of God.

The exercises gently challenged me to confront the lies I'd believed about myself and my relationships. It wasn't always easy, but through prayer and the workbook's guidance, I started to see real change in my heart. I began to understand what it truly means to love like Jesus, to forgive, and to build a strong foundation for a future marriage.

I'm not married yet, but I feel so much more confident and prepared for that day. I know that when I finally meet my husband, I'll be ready to walk into our marriage with a heart overflowing with love, grace, and a deep connection to God.

If you're a single Christian woman longing for a Godly marriage, please don't wait. This workbook has been such a blessing in my life, and I know it can be for you too.


Discovering the Radiant Love Workbook is akin to uncovering a priceless gem.

Yes, transforming your marriage is possible, and the Radiant Love Workbook will be your constant companion. Guided by the Holy Spirit, you'll embark on this journey of profound change. Imagine holding the Radiant Love Workbook, feeling its power - the same power that will bring a lifetime of fulfillment within your marriage. Imagine crafting a love that transcends any earthly challenge, a love that protects and uplifts your sacred partnership.


  • Practical tools and biblical wisdom to prepare your heart for a fulfilling marriage, accessible at your fingertips.

  • Interactive exercises and journal prompts to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

  • Guidance from the Holy Spirit to heal past hurts and cultivate a deeper relationship with God.

  • Digital resources to help you build a strong foundation of faith and trust, essential for a lasting partnership.

  • Empowerment to become the radiant wife God created you to be, ready to embrace a love story that glorifies Him.

You're yearning for a marriage that honors God, right? A relationship that reflects His love and purpose for your life?

There’s just one problem…

Wordly advice may not align with biblical principles, hindering true marital transformation.

  • Worldly advice often falls short. It may not align with biblical principles, leaving you feeling confused or even further away from God's design for marriage.

  • Traditional counseling might not address the spiritual root of your desires. It can lack the depth and wisdom found in God's Word.

  • Secular relationship advice online can be overwhelming and conflicting. It's easy to get lost in a sea of opinions that don't always point you toward truth.

But God provided a way…


Walking hand-in-hand with your future husband, your hearts overflowing with love.

Feel the warmth of his embrace, a constant reminder of the deep connection you share. See yourself radiating confidence, knowing that you've prepared your heart and mind for a marriage that honors God. Picture yourself sharing your newfound wisdom with other women, inspiring them to build their own Christ-centered love stories.

This is the life that awaits you. The Radiant Love Workbook is your guide to unlocking the potential of your future marriage and discovering the joy of a love that truly lasts


Radiant Love

Discover how to cultivate a deeper connection with your God and future spouse and build a thriving marriage using the Radiant Love Workbook. Learn how to partner up with Holy Spirit to dive deeper into the heart of God for your marriage. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Everything you need to make your marriage heaven-sent. 

Chapter 1


Step into a new chapter of your marriage season. Feel the weight of past expectations fall away as you embrace the sacred call to become a radiant wife. Discover the joy of knowing the Holy Spirit is guiding you toward the beautiful, fulfilling marriage God designed for you.

Chapter 2

The Return

Uncover the divine truth at the heart of your marriage. Experience a profound sense of peace and clarity as you rediscover the perfect plan God has in store for your partnership, a plan that will reignite your love and purpose.

Chapter 3


Release the burdens of past choices and embrace God's loving guidance. Feel the freedom and empowerment as you learn to trust His perfect will for your marriage, letting go of what no longer serves you.

Chapter 4

Inner Healing

Find solace and healing for past hurts. Experience the transformative power of forgiveness as you release old wounds, creating space for unbreakable love and understanding within your marriage.

Chapter 5

Humble & Open

Embrace vulnerability and build an unwavering foundation of trust. Feel a lightness in your heart as you learn to freely express your needs and desires, allowing God's love to dissolve barriers and deepen the intimacy in your marriage.

+ And many more chapters to your journey!

“I never thought working on myself before getting married was important. But when a friend suggested the Radiant Love Workbook, I’m so glad I listened.”

Wow, was I in for a surprise! This workbook has been a life-changer for me. It helped me understand myself better and get ready for marriage in a way I never imagined. Now, I feel so much more confident and excited about what the future holds. I've even started recommending it to all my friends, whether they're single or married. It's been amazing to see how it's transforming their lives too!


Choose your plan



Hi, I'm Roserbie

I started Dear Diaries back in 2009 and created the Radiant Love Workbook™ in 2023 to help women who want to marry and are already in a marriage covenant. It was all God’s plan for me because I had no plans for this, but here I am.

Since 2009 I have been creating videos sharing the heart of God to his daughters. He told me I was the diary.

I never thought in a MILLION years I would make a course to share what the Lord has been teaching me about becoming a wife. His heart is just to give us an expectant end. And I can tell you the burden on his heart is for the generations to come. Here’s to doing what you never thought you would, but with God…

I did it!

“Radiant Love didn't just give me information; it gave me permission to feel, to grieve, and to surrender my past hurts to God, and I needed that”

For years, I felt like I was wandering in a desert of failed relationships and unfulfilled dreams. I longed for a Godly marriage, but my heart was guarded, wounded, and full of doubts.

Radiant Love didn't just give me information; it gave me permission to feel, to grieve, and to surrender my past hurts to God, I needed that. Through the guided prayers and reflections, I learned to replace lies with truth, fear with faith, and insecurity with confidence in God's love for me. I now see myself as God sees me – worthy, loved, and destined for a beautiful love story that reflects His glory. This workbook has not only prepared my heart for my future husband, it has drawn me closer to God.

If you're a single Christian woman longing for a Godly marriage, I urge you to open your heart to the Radiant Love Workbook. It's a gift to yourself, a gift to your future spouse, and a gift to the God who desires to fill your life with abundant joy."



  • While the workbook is designed to affect your husband positively, we recommend this work be done with you and the Holy Spirit for maximum impact. But sure tell your husband what you're working on if you want. I would recommend just letting him experience the changes.

  • Due to the nature of digital products, we do not offer refunds once the workbook has been purchased or downloaded. However, if you encounter any issues or are dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact us, and we will do our best to assist you.

  • If you have any questions or need support while using the workbook, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to help you get the most out of your Radiant Love experience.

  • Upon purchase, you will receive a download link via email. Simply click on the link to download the workbook to your device.

  • Yes, the Radiant Love Workbook is available as a digital product, allowing you to access it instantly from anywhere. Stay tuned our Premium Hardcover is in the works, we are so excited!

  • The time it takes to complete the workbook may vary depending on your pace and how deeply you engage with each exercise. It is designed to be completed at your own pace, allowing for flexibility in your schedule.

  • The Radiant Love Workbook is rooted in Christian principles for love, communication, and connection. It incorporates Godly spiritual elements, such as guided prayers and reflections, and it is designed to be inclusive and welcoming to individuals of all faith backgrounds.

  • Yes, the workbook is designed to benefit couples at any stage of their marriage, whether you're single, newlyweds, or have been married for years. The exercises are adaptable and can be tailored to suit your specific needs and circumstances.

Claim Your Radiant Love Now 



Radiant Love Workbook

This workbook isn't just my creation – it's a labor of love guided by the Holy Spirit Himself. It's the heart of God to heal, restore, and equip you for a marriage that shines with His glory. As you dive into these lessons, you'll not only benefit yourself but also your children to a thousand generations, your husband, and even your community.


Radiant Love Workbook & 2024 Planner

The Radiant Love Digital Bundle – your comprehensive toolkit for transforming your marriage into a radiant and thriving relationship. This bundle combines the power of the Radiant Love Workbook and the 2024 Digital Planner to provide you with everything you need to cultivate a love-filled and purpose-driven marriage.